It is the branch of Dentistry which specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of periodontal diseases, meaning the infections of periodontal tissues which are those that surround our teeth ( gums and jaw bone).
They are inflammatory reactions of the periodontal tissues which are caused by germ (bacteria) gathering inside the mouth, especially on the surface of the teeth and gums with the form of dental microbial plaque. It is a clear or yellowish membrane which sticks daily on the teeth and gums because of the consumption of food or drinks. If it is not removed on a regular basis with the right and effective brushing, it has the capacity to multiply its calcium by attracting salts of the saliva, so it hardens on the teeth surfaces forming into what is known as tartar. Basic characteristic of periodontal diseases, which makes them hard to find by the patient him/herself, is the fact that they are painless (except very rare occasions) and can be inherited. This means that children of parents (one only, or especially both of them) who suffer from periodontal disease, have increased chances to show signs of the same disease in the future in an earlier age and in an even worse degree or immense form.